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"The Creative Mundane"

by Seamas Mac Daibhid

Last Updated April XLII (2008)

Part III: How to Behave Mundanely

"WHY DO I need to behave mundanely?" you ask. "Surely I've done enough already." Dressing mundanely (Part I) and surrounding yourself with your mundane toys (Part II) will certainly keep off the die-hard authenticity mavens (those who don't decide to make a personal life project of you), but thousands of Society people have been around so long they can simply tune out the mundane aspects of their environment. These people will no more treat you mundanely than if you were the seemliest Laurel of the kingdom.

In this article, you will learn how to use subtle bits of mundane behavior to keep a constant zone of mundanity all around you (sort of an inversion of the Royal Presence). With a few simple tricks and habits you can fend off all attempts by the forsoothly to create a medieval atmosphere around you.

Again, it is not necessary to be outrageous. Running through Court shaking a beer bottle and spraying foam on the Royal Guards is a bit excessive (not to mention dangerous). Acting like an idiot also won't work, as idiots are period. (Ditto jerks.) Subtlety and restraint are the key to getting away with behaving as a "Creative Mundane." When the most masterly "Creative Mundane" is at work, all the folks nearby unconsciously lose a bit of their forsoothliness, without ever spotting the cause.

Disclaimer: "The Creative Mundane" is written and maintained by the dark side of my persona, a sour-faced, rough-voiced hermit who pesters innocent pilgrims with riddles. I disclaim all responsibility for anyone who takes his ravings seriously or who takes offense at his suggestions.

Mundane Speech

The most important aspect of mundane behavior is the way you talk. It's not necessary to say such things as, "Awesome, Duke-dude! Like, totally rad swordwork!"—you'll draw very definite attention that way (and possibly cause a newcomer to ask you, "Was that Anglo-Saxon? Can you teach me?") Just an everyday word here and there is enough. This section will enable you to resist any temptation to speak forsoothly even when beset by peers; whatever the situation, you will have a mundane response at the tip of your tongue. Go for it!

Mundane Actions

Other aspects of your behavior can contribute to the miasma of mundanity you give off:

The Final Points

Thus ends your primer on mundane behavior. In three installments you've learned how to keep afloat when cast adrift on a sea of forsoothliness. But I've saved two of the most important points for the very last:

Party on, dudes!

Review "The Creative Mundane":

Part I: How to Dress Mundanely

Part II: How to Outfit Mundanely

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SCAdia: Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2008, Seamas Mac Daibhid. All rights reserved. Except where otherwise specified, reproduction or redistribution of this material in any form is prohibited. SCAdia is written and edited by Seamas Mac Daibhid. Some material is used by permission of other authors; copyright resides with them and will be noted where appropriate.

SCAdia is not an official web site of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.. and does not delineate official Society policy. While much of the material on SCAdia is instructional or educational, much of it is provided entirely for entertainment. SCAdia makes no claim to support the Society's substantially educational purpose, and should not be considered to reflect upon the Society directly. SCAdia is also not an official web site of the Shire of Smythkepe or the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann.

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